Buku Poker - Free Tournament Poker Strategy

Daftar Isi:

1.  Texas Hold'em Poker Rules and Hand Ranking
2.  Anatomy of a sit-and-go tournament
3.  General tournament strategy
4.  Starting hands 
5.  Table positioning 
6.  Tilt - don't do it!
7.  Study and observe
8.  "Tells" - clues about what your opponents might have
9.  Betting - when, how much, when not to
10. Types of player and strategies to beat them
11. Playing certain types of hands
12. Short stack - "come back from the dead"
13. Why size IS important
14. "I'm all-in" 
15. Bluffing and stealing
16. S-l-o-w play 
17. (Don't) chase me
18. Analyse, analyse, analyse
19. Keep a private note
20. Multi-table tournaments 
21. Putting it all together - getting started

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